Comment upon Article from Elissa Meininger on the Bolen Report 28th March 2017


There seems to be a little confusion here as to what constitutes a vaccine and how this differs to an anti-biotic.


Tuberculin - presently used as a method of detecting tuberculosis - is not a vaccine but an early attempt at an anti-biotic.


It is important to understand this difference:-

Antibiotics are sold with the promise to kill bacteria (not viruses!) which are “causing” your disease.
Vaccines are sold with the promise that they will make you immune to specific diseases should you be accosted by them. These diseases are, allegedly, caused by viruses.

The really interesting thing here is that there is no hard evidence that viruses even exist! There has been a very substantial award on offer for some years for definite proof of the existence of viruses. To date - no takers!


Then we move to the theory upon which vaccine sales are based:
The human immune system (so we are told) develops “anti-bodies” to kill off invading viruses.
“If we, therefore, inject you with a weakened or dead virus then your body will develop the anti-bodies in advance and you won’t get ill when you meet the “real” virus.”


There are many problems with this:


1) Almost all known “disease germs” are found resident in the human body (almost certainly since birth, as an immunity triggering "present" from the mother) and effortlessly “kept under control”.
2) Anyone with a strong, fully functional immunity would develop the anti-bodies anyway (assuming that they didn't already have them) and, thus, not become ill.

3) Vaccines contain immune suppressants which, of course, hinder the funtion of your natural immunity.
4) Anyone with a weakened immunity is likely to be made ill by the vaccine.

In the few studies which have been carried out, this is shown to be universally true, i.e. vaccines don’t prevent diseases they spread them!

So, when we get to the nitty gritty, we see that we are being sold a promise that the vaccine not only cannot fulfil but, if there is any effect at all from the vaccination, the most likely effect is to make you ill with the disease they promised to prevent.

So, you are paying to be made ill.

Is this a good idea?


When we go further and look into the true nature of disease we find that there is, actually, no such thing as an infectious disease. Medical statistics bear this out to such an extent that we can almost say that it is incontrovertible.


An epidemic is defined as a state of affairs in which between 1% and 4% of the people who come into contact with a so called infectious disease actually become ill. (The definition varies from area to area dependent upon the opinion of your local “health” authority.)


This is to say, at least 96% of those contracting the “disease germ” are completely unaffected by it.


This means that the theory of infection is most unlikely to be true.


When we go even further and ask “why does that 4% get ill and why do the 96% not?” i.e. what has each group in common which engenders or avoids the disease state, we get some very interesting results.


It seems that that which we have been taught to call illness is, much more often than not, a natural healing process and the putative virus is something which naturally assists the process. Influenza, as you can read in "The Flu Fairy Tale", certainly appears to be a natural detoxification of chronic fear. This may well be why the 1918 “Spanish Flu” “killed” so many: Four years of highly destructive warfare causing massive casualties amongst the soldiers and no end in sight.
There has never been an influenza outbreak that came anywhere near being so devastating because the extreme public anxiety has not, subsequently, existed.

It is most interesting that, as reported in Elissa’s article, it is homeopathy, which would treat the chronic anxiety, that had such a high success rate.


Prof. Bruce Lipton is mentioned in the article and you may wish to read the forward which he very kindly wrote for “The Flu Fairy Tale” mentioned in the paragraph immediately above this one.


There is much more can be added on this theme but we’ll leave it there for today.


Blessed be


Karma Singh





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