Newsletter 12th January 2014
The Newsletter Archive for 2013 is here This Newsletter has one topic:
Creators and Destroyers
A few weeks ago I gave, in a newsletter (, some examples of heroes of creation and heroes of destruction.
Many readers have registered their surprise about some of the names in those lists. Many were especially astonished (and, presumably, still are) to see Vladimir Putin in the list of creators.
Before we go into this in greater depth, it is necessary to remind ourselves of the conditions of this world. As we are here exclusively to practice the duality, completion is not possible, i.e. absolute good and absolute evil are not possible. Even the most powerful black magician of the 20th century of whom many believed his declaration of being a spiritual master, left a few crumbs of goodness behind him. Even the warmonger Obama bin Barak and his bosses have, at some point in their lives, acted out of love. Even the best have their flecks, their blind spots: thus are the governing conditions of this Earth. Your presence here is the fulfilment of your choice to accept these conditions and to work with them.
For many centuries, humanity has been trained into a most unfortunate habit.
If a hero of destruction does one loving act, he/she will be judged as generally acceptable and her/his main activity as destroyer of humanity will be “overlooked”.
If a hero of creation makes one single error then she/he will be immediately written off as evil and his/her principle activities as peace mongers and spiritual guide completely ignored.
The source of this habit has its roots at the beginning of the 4th century as the emperor Constantine made his political pact with the christian bishops. (see for more detail on this). From then onwards it was preached from the pulpit that „God has raised him to this position and it is not given that you should question why“. At the same time, those who posed any threat to the political power of the Papacy where “damned by God” for petty errors.
The effect of this is that almost no-one makes the effort to find out for her/himself what a person in a position of power is really like but just accepts what is preached from the pulpit (a role which, nowadays, has been taken over by the major press which is 98% owned by the banking cartel and follows its orders).
Precisely in this way, the activities of the group of singers “Pussy Riot” was held up to be an example of how Vladimir Putin ignores human rights and seeks to supress free speech. As well trained mind-slaves, almost no-one takes the trouble to look for the real facts.
The first thing that a thinking person should ask her/himself is “Can it really be true that the head of the government of one of the largest countries on Earth will involve himself with a silly break-in in a church hundreds of miles from his office?”
Let me put this another way, if a group of pop singers broke into Manchester cathedral or St. Mary’s Cathedral in Miami, went into the area directly in front of the high altar, an area normally reserved for the priests, turned their backs on the “sacred objects” and began to film a political protest pop-song would you expect Obama or David Cameron to personally conduct the prosecution? Is it a reasonable assumption that the head of government of one of the largest countries on the planet would involve himself in this petty offence and personally conduct the prosecution, the judging and the punishment? Of course not, the very concept is totally ridiculous. The whole event is a matter for the local bishop and the local police and magistrate’s court. In all probability would Obama and Cameron not even be told about it.
Is it really believable that in the Russian Federation things are done so very differently?
The translocation to Manchester or Miami is an exact mirroring of the events surrounding “Pussy Riot”. In all probability, Putin first heard of it when the cartel press began using it as black propaganda. The punishment meted out by the local court was, perhaps, overly severe but, probably, because of the emotional reaction to the desecration of the “Holy” space. To contend that Vladimir Putin personally dictated the punishment is simply absurd isn’t it? In point of fact, the case accelerated the passing of a new law which was already in progress. This new law granted an amnesty to those to whom an unreasonable punishment hat been meted. Under this new law, the two imprisoned members of Pussy Riot were set free. This was, of course, not mentioned in the cartel press because you might then believe that the whole thing was just “much ado about nothing”.
Enough of that: In order to understand why Vladimir Putin belongs to the Heroes of Creation one needs to look at what he has achieved for his country, his people and the world.
When he took over the helm of his country, it was rapidly descending into a state of total chaos.
In spite of the massive opposition from the banking cartel he has managed to pull his country and his people back together, to get the economy working again and to create a vision of hope for the future. There is still a great deal to be done.
For some time, Rothschild & Co. have been trying to engender a Third World War. Some of these attempts were frustrated by mass actions using the techniques in “The Anatomy of Luck” (abridged version in English here) and other groups using their own methods. In 2013 Putin personally frustrated an attempt to get a United Nations resolution to attack Syria by laying down irrefutable proof that the poison gas attack could not possibly have been made by the soldiers of the Assad regime but was, just as the World Trade Center in 2001, a “false flag” attack.
In this case, the objective was to justify an American attack upon Syria which could very easily trigger World War III.
In 2001 the attempt to manipulate the American people into giving up their civil liberties and pay for a never-ending war against a phantom enemy succeeded. ***
The so called rebels (principally, CIA controlled Mujahidin mercenaries shipped from Libya, after reducing that country to a state of chaos, via Lebanon and into Syria) were, according to the evidence which Putin laid before the United Nations, almost certainly the source of the poison gas.
Obama bin Barak then received orders from his superiors to go it alone and attack Syria with neither UN nor congressional permission and had US warships from which the attack would be launched positioned in the Eastern Mediterranean. Putin then placed Russian warships between the Americans and Syria with orders to shoot down any ‘planes attempting to attack Syria. General Dempsey, the USA Commander in Chief, then refused to follow Obamas order because it placed the American ships in a militarily hopeless position.
In order to save his face, Obama then suddenly decided that he must have Congress’s permission to start a war in Syria. Thus is the state of play to date.
In short, don’t believe what the cartel press tries to get you to believe but research the facts yourself!
Here are a couple of things which may help you upon your journey of discovery:
Now, some people have expressed doubts about the inclusion of Peter Fitzek in the list of Heroes of Creation. If you don’t know his work very well then this is understandable. Similar expressions of doubt presently expressed about Peter were bandied about around Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela in their early days.
The simple fact is that, to date, everything has been preparation. It has taken years of painstaking, careful work to create a functioning basis of a legal state for the German people - something which they last had in 1935!
You may or may not already know that the so called Federal Republic of Germany was never anything other than an administration of the occupied lands set up by the conquering allies in 1952. It never was and was never intended to be anything else. Obama bin Barak himself in a speech in Germany in 2009 said “Germany is an occupied land and will remain so!”
When the Federal Republic of Germany’s mandate ran out on the 3rd of October 1990, nothing replaced it! Very few people grasped at that time that Germany has had, since that date, no legitimate government of any kind.
In point of fact, over the last few years, all previous German government departments have been quietly converted into corporations. You will even find The Feral Republic of Germany itself listed as a commercial corporation in Dunn and Bradstreet!
It is only when all the preparations for the creation of the new state have been completed that it makes any sense to go public and begin with explanations and to invite participation. This still lies in the future and the miracle which he and his team have created is, therefore, still little known.
Of course, not everything has gone as desired; when you try to create something which has never, previously, existed upon this Earth, you will inevitably experience that some things don’t work quite as wished. Such disappointments have never discouraged Peter and his plan is now almost ready for us all.
Astonishingly, a few people have expressed doubt about Angela Merkel’s inclusion in the list of heroes of destruction! How can this be? Let us look at a few facts:
In 2008, there was a “financial crisis”. Forget the lies which were told to you at the time for, just as in “The Great Crash” of 1929, the whole thing was planned in details and perpetrated by the banking cartel in order to rob you of your wealth and possessions.
In 2008, all the banks cried “we have suffered such enormous losses that you must rescue us or the whole economy will collapse.”
Which of us has asked ourselves, “if all the banks have made enormous losses, who has made the profit from them, i.e. where has the money gone to?”
Another revealing question is “how can it be that the putative combined losses of the banks are many thousands of times greater than the amount of money that actually exists?”
So what did Merkel and her sidekicks do? Did they, as the Icelandic people did, arrest the bankers and charge them with fraud and then nationalised the banks? No, she, just like George W. Bush, Gordon Brown and other appointees of the Bilderberg Group, made enormous debts in your name by “borrowing” vast sums of money from these “bankrupt” banks (borrowing has to be in quotation marks as it was only phantom money which was borrowed) and then giving it to these same bankrupt bankers. You, then, received the bill to pay back all these debts in phantom money with real money plus interest and interest on the interest.
The present state of affairs, which is undoubtedly the purpose of the entire so called crisis, is that the German people have staggering debts rising by thousands of Euros per second for which they have received precisely nothing! Paying off this debt (so huge that it is all but impossible) is nothing other than the pay-out to the bankers for the successful fraud.
The situation in the USA is, incidentally, even worse and it is difficult to imagine that, unless the American people take remedial action, an American nation, let alone an American economy could survive until later than the Spring of 2016.
In order to “rescue” the Euro (from the truth, presumably - see my new book presently being translated from the German - working title “What if?”) the dear Mistress Merkel has given the entire property of the German people, lock stock and barrel, to the bankers as “security” for the phantom loans which were then given to the bankers as a present. Not even the money on a bank account belongs to the account holder any more.
In early 2013, the bank’s terms of business were changed to make the account holders liable for all and any trading losses made by the bank! New German laws deny citizens all rights to challenge confiscations of property and money by the banks in the courts. The new European Central Bank is, in fact, a super state guaranteed secrecy in all its undertakings and immunity to all civil and criminal prosecutions.
Herewith were the very bases of a stable economy, the last remaining vestiges of democracy and the right to the rule of law destroyed.
Need I say more?
Interestingly, not one single voice has, to date, been raised in protest at the inclusion of Obama bin Barak in the list of heroes of destruction!
Those very few who still doubt that 9/11 was a put up job managed by leading elements in the US administration need only take a good long look at something called “The Patriot Act”. Federal Judge Andrew Napolitano has much to say on this.
The salient point is this:
The Patriot Act is not a normal piece of legislation; it does not set out in clear terms the objectives of the legislation and then proceed to set out in clear terms exactly how those objectives are to be attained. No, the Patriot Act is something completely unique. It has neither clearly stated objectives nor any other of the normal text of a piece of legislation. In its 315 pages it is a catalogue of what word, phrases and sentences in a vast plethora of other, existing laws are to be changed. It is impossible to see what the Patriot Act seeks to achieve without studying every one of those changes! The whole thing is so complex that it would require weeks for anyone to grasp what the Patriot Act does. Representatives and senators were given a mere few hours to look at it! Obviously, so that they would not begin to understand it.
The Patriot Act is so complex that it is without any doubt the result of years of work. It could only have been done in complete secrecy by a team of fanatic lawyers who believed that the Nazi way was the one to save humanity. Given that this team can only be very small, otherwise some word of its activities would have leaked, the Patriot Act is clearly the work of some years! There are, in fact, indications that work began on the Patriot Act during the reign of George Bush Senior! It is, therefore, abundantly clear that 9/11, just as with the Reichstag fire which Hitler & Co. used to take power despite being in the minority, was stage managed to create a justification for the Patriot Act which establishes a Nazi style fascist government in the USA.
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