The Newsletter Archiv for 2013 is here
There are four topics in this newsletter
$5 Billion profit from "Medical" Fraud
Medical Fraud expected to reap five Billion profit for Pharmaceutical Company
Multiple Sclerosis – a Line in the Sand
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This article is a response to the information published on this webpage:-
OK. This has gone far enough. Five Billion in profit for avoiding resolving a health issue!
What am I going to do about it? I’m going to tell you what multiple sclerosis really is and how to heal it yourself – for free!!!!
Firstly, who am I to make such a claim?
Although better known in the German speaking world, I am far from inactive where my natal tongue is spoken. To save space I will just refer you to a couple of my websites:-
Firstly, what, exactly, does “Multiple Sclerosis” mean? A very sensible question as you will see in a moment for, without knowing exactly what we’re dealing with here, there is no way that we are going to solve the problem.
Multiple Sclerosis is one of a vast number of terms used by “conventional“ medicine to write an invoice (Am: bill) when they actually have not the remotest idea what the problem is or what to do about it. When you translate the Latin back into English you begin to see the con game straight away. Multiple Sclerosis literally means “many scars”. That’s it! There is nothing further to it whatsoever. What is causing the scars is unknown territory to conventional medicine and, in accord with its basic tennets of never even looking for the cause let alone resolving it, it focuses exclusively upon selling you vast quantities of useless quack nostra which just claim to suppress the symptoms. Either that or you are lied to and told that you have “an incurable disease”.
Interestingly enough, the only bit of sign language that I know is that for “bullshit”. Appropriately enough, I’ve seen Obama use it during a speech!
So just what is “many scars”?
Well, Multiple Sclerosis as a name for a disease has no specific meaning!!!
It is one of many such labels which are attached to patients whom conventional medicine is unable to help. Most of these terms are usually applied to a whole palette of different health issues in order to facilitate pharmaceutical sales. They have no other purpose than to make you a pharma junky!
Note that the medicos do NOT tell you what your real problem is (mostly, they don’t know themselves because it is deliberately excluded from the pharmaceutical controlled medical education).
Did you know what the real problem is you might go and resolve it and that would contravene the marketing dictates of the pharmaceutical conglomerate. So, I’m just going to tell you then you must decide what action you want to take.
Our research (and much experience) in Germany and elsewhere has shown that Multiple Sclerosis is at least 75% mercuric poisoning. There are emotional aspects as well which I will come to in a moment. The most common sources (98%) of mercuric poisoning are amalgam tooth fillings and the so called vaccines - another quack nostra as you can read in .
Just to give you a nice, clear image, my former bookkeeper used to sit in a wheelchair with the diagnosis “Multiple Sclerosis”. Having, in the course of some years of suffering, correctly ascertained that conventional medicine has no competence to deal with the problem, she, following a tip from Lynn McTaggart, eventually found Prof. Buchhheit, the shunned leading expert in heavy metal poisoning in Germany. He, by removing all the mercury from her teeth and tissues, got her back on her feet in six weeks!
She is now the chief demonstrator in a fitness studio!
She, then, came to me for help with the emotional issues which determine the way in which the mercuric poisoning expressed itself. She is also now writing a book on heavy metal poisoning, the many, many ways in which it is caused, expresses itself and how to remove it.
The first step is, therefore, to find someone competent to remove the mercury from your teeth. Many dentists, perhaps the majority, have no idea how to safely remove this potentially lethal toxin. So ask around and choose carefully.
The next step is to remove the mercury from your tissues. Here please note that no blood test will show mercury because it accumulates in the tissues and nerve sheaths and very little is normally to be found in the blood. Most vegetables with a high sulphur content will help here. This said, there are much more comprehensive methods. To my mind, the most effective of these is “Humet”, a remedy developed by the Russian military simply because so many soldiers became incapacitated by the large amounts of mercury and other toxins in munitions. It is available in England from the website . Whether Humet is directly available in N. America or Australasia or whether it can be freely imported into those countries I have no knowledge. Perhaps the people at Humet in England will know.
Chelation is another option but is expensive and not without side effects.
Having removed the toxin which was the probable immediate cause of the “many scars” it is now sensible to look at the emotional aspects.
The basic problem which can lead to Multiple Sclerosis when nerve poisons (such as mercury) are added to the body is the childhood perception that the mother is so overburdened by the presence of the child that the child “must” reign in her/his own needs in order to preserve the mother’s life! If he/she were to demand her/his needs, this would so overburden the mother that she would die. Note!!! Childhood perceptions are very, very different to adult perceptions! They are, however, that which forms the basic perceptual structure for life until and unless work is undertaken to change or correct them.
There are many, many ways of working on this problem once identified (which, note, conventional medicine does not!)
1) Family Constellation work developed by Hellinger.
2) Rebirthing (google Sondra Ray or Leonard Orr for directory)
3) Even conventional psychotherapy or psychiatry have had their success with this.
4) The cheapest and certainly amongst the most effective is the Harmony Headphone set If you are in the USA, just click on the US flag at the top right to get the American language version.
Other things which help are
a) Macrobiotics (find a consultant via this website in N. america or via in Britain),
b) alkaline water with a good water ioniser such as the Microbanks or Jupiter machines – google water ionisers to find your local distributor –
c) extreme detox with raw foods – see and
d) other general advice on healthy living – see
So now you know what your doctor didn’t tell you and you can even subscribe to the online magazine called "What Doctors Don’t Tell You” for free or get the printed edition in the post from
Blessed be
Karma Singh
For what it may be worth
Last week, someone sent me this Link .
It sounds quite interesting but he question which stands open is "Where are the effects of this visible"?
All the same, it could be useful to keep an eye on it.
Should anyone have any concrete information I would love to hear from you.
The problem which I see with such actions is that it is an attempt to “bend” the present system so that it will serve mankind and the planet as a whole rather than Baron Rothschild and his sycophants.
My personal opinion is that a system which has been carefully created, refined and perfected over many centuries to rob the whole of humanity CANNOT be changed in this way. In just the same way, one cannot make a radio out of a waterwheel because the basic structures are completely incompatible and cannot be forced into a new form.
Although I have nothing against making Baron Rothschild’s life more complicated the true solution can, in my opinion, only be reached by completely replacing the present system with one which has been designed from the floor up to serve the whole of humanity.
There are very many groups right around the world which, in their differing ways, all seek to create this new beginning. In Germany alone, more than three million are involved in this in one way or another. The only thing that appears to be missing is a framework within which all these disparate groups can thrive.
I know, from personal experience, that very many participants in these groups believe that no co-ordinating structure is needed or desirable and proceed on the belief that “it will somehow all work out all right”. The question which needs to be asked here is, of course, “if we do nothing to create it, how is this “all work out all right” to be achieved?” Wishful thinking has not, to date, ever shown itself to be effective!
A few individuals have applied much thought to this problem as to how a supporting structure could be built which at the same time guarantees both maximum free space for everyone to fully develop their abilities and to pursue their wishes whilst offering the maximum security for everyone. Their aim is to avoid the strife where differing groups mucst perforce reach accommodation with each other.
More on this in a few days…..
Global What?????
Despite the billions that we have paid out in additional taxation etc. to “fight global warming”, there are, to date, no measurable results. Could this be because the amount of carbon dioxide which human industry produces is, in any event, so small that it can hardly be measured or is something else happening …………… ?
This video (second from the top) may give pause for thought.
The Heart in the Snow
On the 21st of February 2013 as I was flying over France I saw, on the Southern edge of the Central Massif an area where melted and remaining snow had left a most interesting picture behind them.
I took these three photos. You can enlarge them by clicking on the pictures.
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Blessed be
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