The second Key

In order to use this key you first need to know where your heart is. This may seem strange but, in contradiction to general belief, your heart is NOT on the left side of your body but in the middle of your chest as shown in the photo below. In point of fact, if you ask 1000 people to place their hand on their heart, 833 will put their hand on their stomach! Just 3 will actually, correctly place their hand over their heart.




Very many of our daily experiences pull us out of our hearts. Some of this is quite deliberate. This state leads inevitably to confusion, indecisiveness and inability to focus; exactly the opposite of what we really need.


Anna spoke of this in the Book, “Mr. God, this is Anna”. She said that the difference between an angel and people is that angels are all on the inside but people are all scattered on the outside.


When you have your whole power within you, you are able to use it at its highest potential. When you are only on the outside, your existence is like a leaf in the wind in which you have no ability to determine the course of your life.


As you begin this exercise, many old habits within you will try to push you back outside where you have habitually spent almost the whole of your life. The misleading beliefs will try to convince you that if you go inside then you will lose things; things which you do not yet have!!! The drive to go outside is based upon belief that when you want something you must go hunting for it outside of yourself until you have caught it. The appearance that this method could actually work lies in the fact that you occasionally, amongst all the disappointments, do actually catch something! This, then, forces you into the position of the “jailer” as you attempt to ensure that the “something (or someone)” does not escape from you again. In the long run you have nothing other than exhaustion even to the extent of a heart attack from such a method.


When you are completely on the inside you will discover than you can call anything that you want to you and it will remain with you for as long as you wish. The difference lies in the fact that the “hunter” style is based upon beliefs in insufficiency and lack whereas the “commanding” style is based upon your natural knowledge of abundance.

The exercise itself can seem to some a little strange and patience will, therefore, be required before success shows itself.


Lay down upon your back with your eyes closed in your room with no electronic devices (or simply pull the plugs out). Gently concentrate yourself within your heart.


Now the unusual bit!

Rest yourself within your heart and, whilst you remain 100% there, pull all the energy bands with which you go hunting on the outside back into your heart.


This exercise has very interesting effects.


Blessed be




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