The Newsletter archive for 2020 is here
This Newsletter has three Topics:
Further criminal charges in Covid-19 fraud
Dr. Death (main article)
On this weekend, 27th & 28th June, during the First Quarter of the Moon, the last of the New Moon Seminars in this Sun Season will take place online.
These seminars are an opportunity for you to re-learn abilities which have, for many centuries, only been available in the secret "mystery" schools. It is there that this knowledge has been maintained during the time of the patriarch.
This period in mankind's' journey is now over and, with the beginning of the Age of community, these abilities are now essential for all.
Full details and registration are here:-
Part of the reason that the German government, Soros, Clintons etc. are financing and organising ANTIFA and BLM is, through a reign of terror, to divert our attention away from climbing out of their "thought prison". So, just switch your television off and do what will serve you instead.
Full details and registration are here:-
Last week, I reported that the first criminal charges had been laid against Prof. Drosten in the Covid-19 affair.
For some "peculiar" reason, this seems to have escaped the attention of the Main Stream (pharmaceutical owned) Press (sic).
These charges are, of course, in the German language but I have translated this report from the independent news channel ExtremNews to give you an overview. Part of the article is the German translation of a video from Dr. Andrew Kaufman which you can view in the original American language here:-
Whilst preparing this newsletter, I received a report that the first criminal charges have been laid against Merkel and compatriots alleging, amongst much else, planned genocide. The charge sheet runs to 65 pages and I cannot undertake to translate it. If, however, you do speak German or know someone with the time to translate it, the full document is here.
Whilst I had been aware of Tony Fauci's decades-long involvement in predicting deadly diseases that "magically" happened just when he said they would, I had not, until last week, seen him "performing" live on video.
I had been aware, of course, of his deep involvement in the AIDS fraud through which he pocketed millions of dollars and killed thousands with his patented AZT "medicine". This is far from his only criminal act perpetrated in the same manner, i.e. "predict" the disease, use the controlled press owned by his "friends" in the pharmaceutical industry to declare that the disease has started and is spreading, invent a "cure" (which just happened to have already been patented before the "outbreak") and pocket millions by licensing his "vaccine" to the manufacturer who pays him the most.
AIDS is, perhaps, the best known of his frauds but SARS, MERS, Zika and other frauds are all of his invention; as is, of course, Covid-19.
He can get away with this in America because of a peculiar law which absolves vaccine manufacturers from civil and criminal liability for any and all harm caused by their vaccines.
I hope that you have not, in the intervening weeks, forgotten how it was Tony Fauci who was instrumental in transferring the research to create a deadly "virus" from America to Wuhan in China when the research into combining viruses was banned in the USA.
He also, illegally, diverted hundreds of millions of dollars of US taxpayers' money to China to fund the research.
As you, dear reader, already know, I have, through many years of constant practice, learned how to use that natural ability born into every one of us to see through the masks and to perceive what is truly going on.
I have also developed the messiah series and New Moon Seminars aimed at helping you to do the same and more.
It is not at all pleasant to watch this entity performing for the camera (I would be lying if I were to call it a man or any other term implying humanity). This entity's sole pleasure lies in killing people and the more the better.
The projected "Covid-19 vaccine" in which "he" is heavily involved has recently been subjected to its first human trials. The volunteers were all selected because they were exceptionally healthy. Twenty percent of them had to be hospitalised immediately following "vaccination".
Dr. Fauci declared the results of these tests to be "encouraging" and "satisfactory".
Let us take a brief look at the scenario which Dr. Fauci espouses, i.e. everyone in the world must be vaccinated against Covid-19.
A large proportion of the world's population could not be described as healthy. The effect of such a vaccination programme would be to cause between one and two Billion deaths! (Not a typing error; that is a B and not an M as in a 2 followed by nine zeros.)
This creates so much chaos that the bankers and their friends could implement Agenda 21 (now re-named Agenda 30) by which a very large proportion of the world's population is to be killed off and the rest herded into ghetto cities as slave workers for the self-proclaimed "elite".
Bill Gates, it is well known, is a close confidant and business partner of Dr. Death. It is he who has repeatedly stated that the world population must be drastically reduced and that vaccination is the "right" tool to achieve this.
Could it be that Mrs. Merkel's refusal to accept reality and return to the rule of law is because Mr. Gates - a frequent and welcome guest in the Kanzleramt** - has promised her the spectacle of watching twenty million Germans die?
Although I have covered this in great detail in my book "Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.", it is certainly of use to take a quick look at what vaccination actually entails:
Extract sick material from someone who is ill, multiply it in the tissues of monkeys, spaniel puppies, aborted foetuses, etc., and then inject it into healthy people.
Now, if someone were to inject you with a sickness, what do you think would happen? Bingo: Right first time; you would probably get ill. And this is exactly what does happen! The sole known effect of vaccination is to spread disease as you will read in my book mentioned above.
Some, such as Gardasil, even create new diseases which had not previously existed.
Dr. Death's new vaccine claims to make irreversible changes in human DNA.
If 20% of very healthy people immediately get very sick from this, you can guess what sort of mayhem it would cause in a normal population - it would certainly cause the complete collapse of society.
As tens of millions of people are incapacitated or die, essential services will break down, deliveries of foodstuffs may well fail, law and order will disappear; all of which will result in millions of more deaths.
This is the declared aim of Bill Gates and those for whom he is acting as "front man". Fauci not only gets to be a billionaire but, for him, much more important, he gets the joy of watching billions die at his hand.
Dr. Death and friends can make and manufacture this deadly cocktail but it has to be approved for use by the US National Institute of Health which grants exemptions to vaccine safety rules in "an emergency". They've even got this covered; the person who would be responsible for giving the exemptions just happens, by "pure co-incidence" of course to be married to Dr. Death himself!
I am amazed that Google hasn't already deleted this video. I have downloaded it and would recommend that you do the same.
So, now you know a lot about Dr. Death and his intentions towards you.
What are you going to do about it?
** The Kanzleramt is the German equivalent of 10 Downing Street or The White House
Blessed be
Karma Singh Europe 23rd June 2020 If this has been forwarded to you by a friend, you may also wish to join my newsletter and get the news directly from the source. All books, hand books, courses and DVDs are available here: The moment in which mankind stands up and acts purposefully and in concert is the same moment in which the exploitation system of a self-appointed “Elite” ceases to exist. For each of the "elite" who wishes to maintain the system of exploitation, there are now more than TEN THOUSAND of us! Never forget this!
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