The Newsletter archive for 2020 is here
This Newsletter has two Topics:
The pharmaceutical controlled press has, in most parts of the world, not mentioned this demonstration at all. The (mostly German) parts which hae given it a few line on page seven will have us believe that merely 17,000 people attended.
Those of us who watched the demonstration live (or later watched the recordings) may well have noticed that the gathering stretched from Brandenburger Tor right down to the Siegersäule - a distance of 2.9 Kilometers (1.8 miles). Additionally, many of the side streets were full to overflowing. You can't cover that enormous area with just 17,000 people.
During the demonstration, we heard police estimates varying from 800,000 to 1.3 million people. If you take the surface area of Straße des 17. Juni (40 metres x 2900 Meter - 131 feet x 1.8 miles), where the demonstration was held, and divide this into one meter (11 feet) squares, assume 3 people per square metre then you come out with 348,000. This plus the surrounding streets, the Tiergarten, Kanzleramt etc. and we see that 17,000 is ridiculous but also that 1,3 million seems unlikely.
We will probably never know how many were actually there: (The official figure is obviously untrue and no accurate count could be made by the organisers.)
This is, of course, of no matter; this wasn't the finale, it wasn't the beginning or even the overture: It was just the prelude after the orchestra has tuned up. There is a lot more coming and we will have back our human rights guaranteed by the Basic Law, EU Human Rights Law and the United Nations Convention on Human Rights.
We need, however, to go further than this:-
It is such an "accepted fact of life" that politicians always lie that it is no longer even used by comedy writers. This "right to lie" to the public has been taken up by many bureaucrats, senior officials and the main stream press.
In "Conversations with God" we read, in volume one, that God describes this world as one ruled by lies and liars.
You don't have to look very far to find proof of this.
Why do we accept this? Why do we not demand the honour and integrity presently shown almost exclusively by the AfD, Brexit Party and Donald Trump, personally, from all politicians?
There are laws specifically created to protect us from such abuse; why do we not use them?
It is, by now, perfectly obvious that we have been deliberately and consistently lied to about Covid by Merkel & Co. and many, many other "purchased" governments. Why is there no urgent application to the courts to immediately remove them and others from office? Why is there no petition to call a new general election and to ban Merkel, etc and all of their cohorts from taking part?
Is your death wish really so strong that you just lay down and wait from the stream roller to ride over you?
It may well be that one of the most effective tools in our arsenal is civil disobedience (as used by Ghandi to win a continent).
Yesterday, almost none of the demonstrators wore a mask and none separated themselves from others. A police spokesman just said "we can't issue 250,000 penalty tickets." This is precisely the point: When very large numbers of people ignore an illegal law then that law will fall. Senior lawyers have confirmed that there is no valid law (in Germany at least) to compel face masks and have had test cases dismissed by judges on this basis - I hope to receive an example letter to publish with which these lawyers have achieved dismissal.
I noted that around 17.00 Uhr (5 p.m.), one policeman collapsed and it was several minutes after his face mask was removed that he was able to stand and (still unmasked) be helped away by his colleagues.
This is what Merkel and her employers at the banking cartel plan for all of us.
This makes civil disobedience in this regards even more important.
I noted also that, although all police wore masks (presumably following orders) none made even a token attempt at "social distancing", probably because most of them already know that it is silly, damaging and has no useful effect whatsoever.
Don't ever forget: Almost ALL of the police are with us and the majority yesterday disobeyed orders in many regards so as to facilitate the peaceful demonstration planned.
Don't let Ferkel, the (Liberal) Democrats, the Labour Party and the bankers "divide and conquer" by setting us against each other.
Blessed be
Karma Singh Europe 3rd August 2020 If this has been forwarded to you by a friend, you may also wish to join my newsletter and get the news directly from the source. All books, hand books, courses and DVDs are available here: The moment in which mankind stands up and acts purposefully and in concert is the same moment in which the exploitation system of a self-appointed “Elite” ceases to exist. For each of the "elite" who wishes to maintain the system of exploitation, there are now more than TEN THOUSAND of us! Never forget this!
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