The first thing that we need to know in order to use this resource effectively is exactly what we’re dealing with: There is a great deal of nonsense floating around the internet authored by people with little or no knowledge of the subject. This video explains the reality. It also gives a “free sample” of one such.
Mantra is the plural form of the word. Mantrum is the singular.
Constructs such as “mantras” are nonsensical - like saying dogses or sheeps.
As time goes on I will add more mantra to this page so keep coming back if what you’re seeking is not yet there. I have some recordings on magnetic tape which I did almost exactly 28 years ago but I’m not sure how well they’ll translate to digital format. Recording technology is so much better these days (unless you have a few thousands to spend - I don’t) so I will probably record everything anew which, of course, takes time.
Many mantra have more than one function so check the list on this page to see which may help you in attaining your goals.
1: The mantrum for clarity of thought
Benefits: makes your personality more socially acceptable, calmer and much more precise thought processes, increased discernment, sharpened perception, improved learning,
Removes: confusion, depression,
There are three files to download:- |
Purchase here for $3.00 / €3.00 / £2.50 |
€3.00 |
2: Purification - the removal or dissolution of “negative” energy.
Benefits: friendly and sustaining atmosphere, lightless and clarity in communication, in therapy rooms it removes putrid energy which patients leave behind and protects therapists from being affected, especially if used in conjunction with Mantrum 3.
Removes: stale energy,
There are three files to download:- |
Purchase here for $3.00 / €3.00 / £2.50 |
€3.00 |
3: Frequency filter - this mantrum sets up a two phase shield which does not allow low frequency, i.e. disruptive energy to enter your system.
Benefits: destructive emotions and thought patterns from others in your vicinity will be greatly reduced - you remain calm and centred, malicious gossip, lies and rumours just slide past you, “jet lag” is greatly reduced as your system is much less disrupted by the very different energies which different parts of the world have.
Removes: many perturbing influences by prevent them entering your system
There are three files to download:- |
Purchase here for $3.00 / €3.00 / £2.50 |
€3.00 |
4: Prosperity - there is one central principle to having everything that you want. This mantrum teaches it to you. Consisting of just three words it is one of the simplest and yet most powerful of the mantra.
Benefits: engenders a joyful outlook upon life, awakens your courage, strengthens your heart
Removes: panic, fearfulness, anxiety, victim consciousness (see also mantrum no. 5 on victim consciousness)
There are three files to download:- |
Purchase here for $3.00 / €3.00 / £2.50 |
€3.00 |
5: Forgiveness - this is, truly, not something which you can give to others; it is your own absolution from your own past.
Although not long, it is one of the more difficult mantra as it has to be used with a particular breathing pattern and the melody must be precisely sung.
Benefits: evaporation of low self-esteem, constant improvement in physical and mental health, your natural immunity to disease increases each time you sing it, improved liver function, back pain will often evaporate, grounding
Removes: frustration,
There are three files to download:- |
Purchase here for $5.00 / €4.00 / £3.00 |
€4.00 |
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