Newsletter 27th January 2013
The Newsletter archive for 2013 is here
A new beginning; a “how to” newsletter
We who decided to survive 2012 now have a job before us.
The Old World is being dismantled and we have the task of creating the New.
How, where and when are we to do this?
To begin with it is certainly helpful to define the Old and the New so that we all begin with the same knowledge and can see where we want to go.
First, the Old World:
In our present, outdated system in urgent need of replacement it is a fact that, dependent upon the country where you live, 60% to 80% of the wealth which you have, through your own efforts, created is immediately handed over, through taxation under various names and interest charges, to the banking cartel. This means that of the product of 100% of your labours, only 20% is available to you and up to 80% is handed over to a tiny group of people who have made themselves extremely rich entirely through your labours; they, themselves, have contributed nothing whatsoever to the well-being of mankind and our planet.
It should, therefore, be abundantly clear that the present system in which the principle activity of humanity is to pay phantom debt, i.e. to “pay back” money plus interest and interest upon interest on the “lending” of money which has never existed, is something which is to be IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED.
New money systems with new banks by which interest is absolutely forbidden need to be established. To some extent, these already exist in many countries.
I will begin publishing a series of videos on this theme shortly. If you speak german you can watch the prelude videos at The three Videos „Dein Leben nach den Euro" which were filmed in March and April 2012.
All of the laws which you will find in ever growing numbers in your parliamentary register or whatever it is called in your country were made by this same small group, primarily for their own benefit and without reference to your wishes and needs. This system has taken to itself the title “democracy” but has quietly mutated itself into a dictatorship in which the citizens are duped into believing that they make a choice because they can make a cross on a piece of paper every four years or so. With few exceptions, however, all their possible choices are simply different mouthpieces for the same dictator – google “Bilderberg” for more details.
As you, yourself, know well, the promises of politicians and their actions once “elected” bear very little resemblance to each other and are often completely contradictory.
Citizens are denied any semblance of choice and participation in decisions about their lives.
This is a good point to now go over to the New World in which are not only the basic concepts radically different but the responsibilities as well.
The New Age:
The Age into which we are now going is the age of the "Common Welfare".
Everyone has not only the right but also the obligation to create the best possible life for themselves that they can envision. This, of course, under the sole proviso (Am: condition) that this causes no injury or harm to any other human, to any animal or to our home, planet Earth.
In order to achieve this, new systems and structures are required for our society. This must achieve the maximum free space for everyone to pursue their own self-development. These must also provide a safety net which protects this necessary freedom for all.
There is no way that this could be achieved by dictates from above but only by agreement amongst the people themselves in the street or village where they live.
The New World and the New Age is the time of the sovereignty for each individual human in co-operation with all fellow humans and other life forms in the entire environment.
The “New” World is all about personal responsibility for self and for all other life forms.
It is about tolerance, the rights of and obligation to participate in all decisions, co-operation and communication skills directed to serving the highest good for all. Above all a focussed resolution for conflicts based upon Quantum Resonance and systematic orientation is to be at its core.
It is needful for this New Age to re-enter the role of the healer; to re-activate the suppressed abilities for which the old system had no use and, indeed, made great efforts to suppress.
Abilities such as:
Independent thinking, clairvoyance, clairaudience, controlling and directing energy fields, communication with animals, plants and the Earth itself and many, many more.
So, how is this to be attained in practise?
This is something which I have studies for many decades and I will now try to make some of the results clear.
In order to set the suppressed abilities free it is necessary to do a G R E A T deal in improving nutrition……
Animals bred for slaughter, milk and meat products, pre-cooked, packaged and canned “foods” are to be replaced with spiritual biodynamic agriculture giving the pure vegetable nutrition which makes the higher functions of consciousness possible for us all.
This alone will set free many of the suppressed abilities and re-create the inner certainty of peace within us all.
There are many methods of achieving this which are already in use (albeit on a relatively small scale) and will be disseminated in further detail during the course of this year.
So now we come to the practical aspects of co-operative living:
Finding and/or creating the new forms which fulfil the objectives and conditions stated above is a most interesting undertaking!
Sometimes the necessary form is so obvious that no discussion is necessary.
On the other hand if, for example, someone wishes to erect a 16 foot (5 metre) high fence then the people whose daylight and/view would be obstructed would have an equal right in the decision with the person upon whose land the fence would stand.
Here is the work of the co-ordinator in the town hall; to discuss the matter with all participants until an agreement acceptable to all has been reached.
Agreement totally replacing dictatorship!
Now, some of us will say, “Oh dear, that sounds very long-winded. I know so many in my neighbourhood who I would call completely incapable of participating in the above process!”
So very true, unfortunately! These are the present grumblers, victims, critics, wrongdoers, ignoramuses, down-and-outs (Am: bum), dependents, the lazy and the disinterested.
Let me tell you, dear reader, these people became so because of the old system which completely disenfranchised and disempowered them. It is, however, not their true nature! Give them the opportunity to co-create with everyone else and, at the same time, give them optimal human nutrition and their awakening to the Golden Power is guaranteed!
Those who are already awake should feel themselves motivated to begin and with the best example to set forward and, thereby, to consolidate the Field of Creation described so cogently in Quantum Physics.
Instead of the present state employees trained in the laws and regulations of the dictatorship, our New World will have Folk Co-ordinators wise in the ways of universal law and systems of order.
The folk co-ordinator in the town hall needs expertise in personality structures, negotiation and methods of peacefuly reaching agreements.
Who feels themselves to be called to this task? Please make yourself known but ONLY via this special email address so that it can be easily sorted from all other emails.
I have also begun to record videos on this theme. Unfortunately, the internet service in Africa is too slow to upload them. From tomorrow I’ll be in Northern Europe again and can start publishing them.
Until then, keep smiling.
Blessed be.
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The Door to Yourself
Ten week training course in Abundance Consciousness.