Newsletter 16 Feb 2012


The Newsletter archive for 2012 is here


This newsletter has five themes;-



1. Online training course in healing

2. An apology

3. Only for German speaking women

4. Where will Karma be in the near future?

5. Monsanto 200 Million B.C.







1. Training Course

The online basic training in the science of healing can no longer be offered in the form to date. Each time that I have given the participants a test to make sure that they are properly prepared for the first of the difficult practises I found that almost no-one had actually done the preparatory exercises.

From the last group whereby 63 people had begun, after the first test only 5 remained!


I am currently waiting for inspiration and can only hope that a new way of giving this training will be developed. If and when this happens it will be announced in the newsletter.

The pertinent questions are there:_

i) What do you believe is necessary to become a healer?

ii) Are people, in general, even aware of this?

iii) When some does not even act responsibly with him/herself, how could they imagine that they could do this for others?








2. An Apology

In November and December there were many emails that I was not able to respond to. This was due to an intense heart/lung detoxification (often labelled bronchitis) which virtually laid me flat for several weeks.

I hope that I have now cleared the backlog but if your answer is still missing then please send me your question again.








You only need to read this next section if you are a woman and also speak fluent German. If you don’t, then click here to go directly to the next english section.


3.  Göttinnen Anrufung

Meine Arbeitsbelastung nimmt stetig zu und ist eigentlich schon mehr als ich allein schaffen kann.

Es geht um Anfragen, Emails, Organisationen, Koordination uvm.

Ich weiß, daß es irgendwo eine Heilerin gibt, mit der ich zusammenarbeiten werde.

Die die Größe und die Klarheit besitzt, mich zu unterstützen und mit ihrer weiblichen Göttinenkraft auch eine Einheit mit mir zu bilden. Der einzige Hinweis den ich habe ist, daß sie aus dem Land der Feen kommt und diese Rune. Wenn diese dich anspricht dann bitte ich dich bei mir zu melden, um mir mitzuteilen, was Du dabei fühlst, wenn Du sie anschaust und dies liest.









4. Where is Karma?

Although the bulk of my work requiring my physical presence is in countries where English is not much spoken, I am, occasionally, available for consultations etc. in the English speaking world. From the 9th to the 12th of March I shall be in Somerset and on the 13th March in London. Please contact me per email or on my UK mobile (cell ‘phone) 07849-758800 (only from the morning of the 9th March) if you wish an appointment or meeting.

I do hope to be able to find the time to offer at least one seminar in England this year. Details are being worked on and will be announced in the newsletter.

I have not been to N. America since 2007 as the situation there is considered to be too dangerous so please don’t ask me until after the revolution.










6. Monsanto 200,000,000 B.C.?

What do you get when you insert cactus, camel and parrot genes into a dinosaur egg?

I’ve no idea what it’s called but this is what a model made from the remains looks like.























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